Laura Carbonell - BUP Book Award Juror

Photo: Self-portrait
Laura Carbonell is an independent curator, living and working in Bogota, Colombia. Graduated from Sciences-Po Paris University in 2011, she entered the world of photography working as a bookseller at BAL, an exhibition space dedicated to the research and exhibition of documentary photography. In 2015, she founded PUNTO DE FUGA BOGOTA an experimental photobook platform dedicated to the study, the exhibition and the conceptualisation of photography books in Europe and Latin America. In 2018 she was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture to make Cinchona spp: medicinal plants of the New Granada, where she compiled books, video recordings and illustrations about the Quina tree since the botanical expedition. One year after, she was as a young curator to conceive the exhibition Worlds, People, Places for the Noorderlicht Photo Gallery, in the city of Groningen, The Netherlands, during the Noorderlicht Festival. In 2022 she presented Universo Fotolibro in Madrid, an exhibition with a selection of 56 Latin American photography books that showed different ways of reading books made in the region. Her latest traveling exhibition, Photobooks Made in Latin America, begins its European touring with a selection of 50 books specially chosen for the Fotofestiwal in Lodz, Poland. Since she became interested in photography, she has designed workshops and taught courses on documentary photography at the Javeriana, Andes, del Bosque and Jorge Tadeo Lozano universities in Bogota.